Adenosine kinase (ADK) is the key enzyme regulating the intracellular and extracellular metabolism of adenosine by phosphorylation of adenosine to adenosine 5'-monophosphate (AMP). On the basis of its low KM, ADK is believed to be the primary route of adenosine metabolism Mathews et al, and inhibitors of ADK are therefore expected to produce a substantial elevation in adenosine levels;as a consequence, a wide variety of therapeutically beneficial activities can be expected (seizure suppression, neuroprotection, analgesia, cardioprotection).
Accordingly, ADK is thought to be a promising target for new analgesic, neuroprotective, antiepileptic, and cardioprotective agents Kowaluk et al, Geiger et al. ADK has broad tissue and species distribution, and it has been isolated from yeast Leibach et al, a variety of mammalian sources Rotllan and Portugal, and certain microorganisms Recacha et al.