
Catalog No. Size PriceQuantity
M10991-2 Solid 2 mg $80
M10991-10 Solid 10 mg $240


Tylosin, also known as Tylosin A, is an antibiotic and a bacteriostatic feed additive used in veterinary medicine. It has a broad spectrum of activity against Gram-positive organisms and a limited range of Gram-negative organisms. It is found naturally as a fermentation product of Streptomyces fradiae. It is a macrolide antibiotic. Tylosin is used in veterinary medicine to treat bacterial infections in a wide range of species and has a high margin of safety. It has also been used as a growth promotant in some species, and as a treatment for colitis in companion animals.

Product information

CAS Number: 1401-69-0

Molecular Weight: 916.10

Formula: C46H77NO17

Chemical Name: 2-[(4R,5S,6S,7R,9R,15R,16R)-6-{[(2R,3R,4R,5S,6R)-5-{[(2S,4R,5S,6S)-4,5-dihydroxy-4,6-dimethyloxan-2-yl]oxy}-4-(dimethylamino)-3-hydroxy-6-methyloxan-2-yl]oxy}-16-ethyl-4-hydroxy-15-({[(2R,3R,4R,5R,6R)-5-hydroxy-3,4-dimethoxy-6-methyloxan-2-yl]oxy}methyl)-5,9,13-trimethyl-2,10-dioxo-1-oxacyclohexadeca-11,13-dien-7-yl]acetaldehyde

Smiles: CC1C=CC(=O)[C@H](C)C[C@H](CC=O)[C@H](O[C@@H]2O[C@H](C)[C@@H](O[C@H]3C[C@@](C)(O)[C@@H](O)[C@H](C)O3)[C@@H]([C@H]2O)N(C)C)[C@@H](C)[C@H](O)CC(=O)O[C@H](CC)[C@@H](CO[C@@H]2O[C@H](C)[C@@H](O)[C@@H](OC)[C@H]2OC)C=1 |c:66,t:2|


InChi: InChI=1S/C46H77NO17/c1-13-33-30(22-58-45-42(57-12)41(56-11)37(52)26(5)60-45)18-23(2)14-15-31(49)24(3)19-29(16-17-48)39(25(4)32(50)20-34(51)62-33)64-44-38(53)36(47(9)10)40(27(6)61-44)63-35-21-46(8,55)43(54)28(7)59-35/h14-15,17-18,24-30,32-33,35-45,50,52-55H,13,16,19-22H2,1-12H3/b15-14-,23-18-/t24-,25+,26-,27-,28+,29+,30-,32-,33-,35+,36-,37-,38-,39-,40-,41-,42-,43+,44+,45-,46-/m1/s1

Technical Data

Appearance: Solid Power

Purity: ≥98% (or refer to the Certificate of Analysis)

Shipping Condition: Shipped under ambient temperature as non-hazardous chemical or refer to Certificate of Analysis

Storage Condition: Dry, dark and -20 oC for 1 year or refer to the Certificate of Analysis.

Shelf Life: ≥360 days if stored properly.

Stock Solution Storage: 0 - 4 oC for 1 month or refer to the Certificate of Analysis.

Drug Formulation: To be determined

HS Tariff Code: 382200

Products are for research use only. Not for human use.

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