p53 tumor suppressor fragment

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M23402-C Contact sales@xcessbio.com for quotation $100Unavailable


p53 tumor suppressor fragment (232-240),(C41H67N11O14S4), a peptide with the sequence H2N-Lys-Tyr-Met-Cys-Asn-Ser-Ser-Cys-Met-OH, MW= 1066.3. p53 (also known as protein 53 or tumor protein 53), is a tumor suppressor protein that in humans is encoded by the gene1. p53 is crucial in multicellular organisms, where it regulates the cell cycle and, thus, functions as a tumor suppressor that is involved in preventing cancer. As such, p53 has been described as "the guardian of the genome" because of its role in conserving stability by preventing genome mutation2. p53 has many mechanisms of anticancer function, and plays a role in apoptosis, genomic stability, and inhibition of angiogenesis. In its anti-cancer role, p53 works through several mechanisms:It can activate DNA repair proteins when DNA has sustained damage. It can induce growth arrest by holding the cell cycle at the G1/S regulation point on DNA damage recognition.It can initiate apoptosis, the programmed cell death, if DNA damage proves to be irreparable3.

Product information

Molecular Weight: 1066.30

Formula: C41H67N11O14S4

Chemical Name: 2-[2-(2-{2-[3-carbamoyl-2-(2-{2-[2-(2,6-diaminohexanamido)-3-(4-hydroxyphenyl)propanamido]-4-(methylsulfanyl)butanamido}-3-sulfanylpropanamido)propanamido]-3-hydroxypropanamido}-3-hydroxypropanamido)-3-sulfanylpropanamido]-4-(methylsulfanyl)butanoic acid



InChi: InChI=1S/C41H67N11O14S4/c1-69-13-10-24(45-35(59)26(15-21-6-8-22(55)9-7-21)47-33(57)23(43)5-3-4-12-42)34(58)51-31(20-68)40(64)48-27(16-32(44)56)36(60)49-28(17-53)37(61)50-29(18-54)38(62)52-30(19-67)39(63)46-25(41(65)66)11-14-70-2/h6-9,23-31,53-55,67-68H,3-5,10-20,42-43H2,1-2H3,(H2,44,56)(H,45,59)(H,46,63)(H,47,57)(H,48,64)(H,49,60)(H,50,61)(H,51,58)(H,52,62)(H,65,66)

Technical Data

Appearance: Solid Power

Purity: ≥98% (or refer to the Certificate of Analysis)

Shipping Condition: Shipped under ambient temperature as non-hazardous chemical or refer to Certificate of Analysis

Storage Condition: Dry, dark and -20 oC for 1 year or refer to the Certificate of Analysis.

Shelf Life: ≥12 months if stored properly.

Stock Solution Storage: 0 - 4 oC for 1 month or refer to the Certificate of Analysis.

Drug Formulation: To be determined

HS Tariff Code: 382200

Products are for research use only. Not for human use.

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